Lebanon: Drama therapist helps inmates with mental illnesses while pushing for reform
"Zeina Daccache conducts drama therapy in Lebanon’s jails to help inmates and fight for reform of the unjust penal code that can...

FRANCE: “Résilience”- a drama therapy play by patients from the Cèdres clinic in Cornebarrieu
"Resilience"- a play written and performed by patients from the Cèdres clinic in Cornebarrieu, will be performed this Wednesday and...

United Kingdom: The Guardian features an article about drama therapy providing long-term support for
Click on image to read full story on The Guardian website.

Iran: Study shows role playing improved symptoms of injured soldiers with schizophrenia
Click the image to read full article.

South Africa: Dramatherapist reflects on a play she created about hearing voices
Click on image to read full story.