Our First Global Forum
102 attendees, 13 representatives, 1 global community. This marks the first of many future international forums connecting drama...

Chile: Review of The First Latin American Dramatherapy Encounter
[English after Spanish] Reseña del Primer Encuentro Latinoamericano de Dramaterapia: Construyendo Saberes Dramaterapéuticos desde el...

Argentina: New member to the WADth
The WADth is excited to announce that the association of dramatherapy in Argentina, Dramaterpia Argentina (DAr), has joined the alliance....

Argentina: Universidad de Cuyo in Mendoza will open the first dramatherapy diploma course in the cou
Click on the image to read about the agreement signed on the Universidad de Cuyo website (Spanish).

Latin America: First Latin American dramatherapy encounter, to be held in Chile, will receive propos
Click on image for more information about the encounter and submitting proposals.