South Africa: University collaborations nurture connections through hybrid arts-based interventions
"Named Koko, Nqonqo, Knock knock! Arts for Life!, Rhodes University and Wits University held a series of arts-based interventions in...

UNITED KINGDOM: ‘How’s that possible?’: Royal Central principal’s surprise role
Olivier-nominated actress Josette Bushell-Mingo reflects on becoming principal of the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama,...

MALTA: Drama therapy with the visually impaired
"Ir-Raġel li Jara b’Widnejh is a play scripted by Marta Vella and directed by Josette Ciappara which was performed in various schools...

Sri Lanka: How Research Using Dramatherapy Can Improve the Services Given to Special Education Stude
An ethnodramatherapy presentation took place on 2nd October 2018 in Colombo with the participation of one hundred children and adults who...

United States: Profile on Sally Bailey, director of Kansas State University Drama Therapy Program
Click on image to read the full article on The Mercury.

Israel: Therapeutic theater brings together holocaust survivors and teenagers to facilitate processi
Click on image to read story and watch video on ynet (Hebrew).