Australia : How puppetry is being used to enhance wellbeing in aged care residents
"The pandemic highlighted the balancing act between clinical care and quality of life for Australians living in aged care. Drama...

AUSTRALIA: Theatre as Therapy for Refugee Kids
"Over the past 10 years, around 80,000 refugees have settled in Western Sydney – and the return of the Taliban to Afghanistan last year...

AUSTRALIA: How puppetry and theatre skills are helping people with dementia
"Playing with puppets to help people living with dementia is not something Danielle Jackson ever thought she'd end up doing. But that's...

Our First Global Forum
102 attendees, 13 representatives, 1 global community. This marks the first of many future international forums connecting drama...

![Australia: Where The Lost Things Go [Short Film]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f9ab40_ca8ef9f95e234549a09cedf0101a4df9~mv2_d_5846_8267_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_323,h_457,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/f9ab40_ca8ef9f95e234549a09cedf0101a4df9~mv2_d_5846_8267_s_4_2.webp)
Australia: Where The Lost Things Go [Short Film]
You're invited for the screening of the short film Where The Lost Things Go directed by Danni Jackson, a graduate from the IKON Grad Dip...

Australia: Where Theatre and Therapy Intersect
Click on the link to learn more about the show Così running from 1 Nov – 14 Dec 2019 at the Drama Theatre, Sydney Opera House.

Australia: University of Melbourne opens the first Master of Creative Arts Therapy in the country
Click on image to read more about this on The University of Melbourne website.

Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong: ANZACATA to replace ANZATA as WADth member
The Australian and New Zealand Association of Arts Therapy (ANZATA) has now become the Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts...

Australia: Dramatherapist Rénald Navilly receives Award for Excellence and Innovation from the Austr
Dr. Sarah Miller, Director of Allied Health, MHJHADS, giving the 2017 Award to Rénald Navilly Dramatherapist Rénald Navilly received the...